Days and Dates

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hiday, sun

Dates, such as tsuitachi, futsuka, mikka and so on are formed with numbers (kanji, hiragana or romaji) followed by the above kanji for day.

tsuitachi1st of the month

getsumonth, moon

Similarly, months are formed with a number plus the above kanji for month, i.e. ichigatsu (January), nigatsu (February) and so on.


Days of the week (getsuyoubi, kayoubi etc.) are all formed with the kanji for day, preceded by kanji or hiragana. There is a kanji for the central "you", but it's Level 3. Hang in there.

Watch out for Monday (moon-day), which uses the kanji for both moon and sun (confusing) and also Sunday (sun-day, geddit?) which manages to use the same kanji twice with different readings.

yo (hiragana)u (hiragana) getsuyoubiMonday

yo (hiragana)u (hiragana) kayoubiTuesday

yo (hiragana)u (hiragana) suiyoubiWednesday

yo (hiragana)u (hiragana) mokuyoubiThursday

yo (hiragana)u (hiragana) kinyoubiFriday

yo (hiragana)u (hiragana) doyoubiSaturday

yo (hiragana)u (hiragana) nichiyoubiSunday

Each of the above day kanji have individual meanings, such as sui (from suiyoubi, Wednesday), meaning water, also being read as mizu when on its own. Click on them above to call up the information in the right-hand window.

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