JLPT Level 2 Kanji - Batch 14/30
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Here is batch 14 of the JLPT Level 2 kanji, in Japanese alphabetical order by On-reading. Feel free to copy and distribute it to your friends, as long as you tell them where you got it: https://kanjisite.tripod.com/ - thanks.

SHO - government office

SHO - deal with

SHO / o - beginning

JO / tasu(keru) / tasu(karu) / suke - help

JO / nozo(ku) - remove

SHOU / akina(u) - trade

SHOU - chapter, badge

SHOU / ka(tsu) / masa(ru) - win, excel

SHOU / ki(eru) / ke(su) - extinguish, spend

SHOU - prize

SHOU / wara(u) / e(mu) - laugh

SHOU / te(ru) / te(rasu) / te(reru) - illuminate

SHOU / ZOU - image, elephant

SHOU / ya(ku) / ya(keru) - burn

SHOU / mane(ku) - invite

SHOU / uketamawa(ru) - agree to

SHOU - general officer

SHOU / nobo(ru) - ascend

SHOU / toko / yuka - bed, floor

SHOU / me(su) - summon

SHOU - introduce

JOU / no(ru) / no(seru) - ride, get on

JOU - form, letter

JOU / tsune / toko - normal, regular

JOU / nasa(ke) - emotion, condition

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