JLPT Level 2 Kanji - Batch 17/30
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Here is batch 17 of the JLPT Level 2 kanji, in Japanese alphabetical order by On-reading. Feel free to copy and distribute it to your friends, as long as you tell them where you got it: https://kanjisite.tripod.com/ - thanks.

ZETSU / ta(eru) / ta(yasu) / ta(tsu) - die out, cut off

SEN - line

SEN / fune - ship

SEN / asa(i) - shallow

SEN / era(bu) - choose

SEN / ikusa / tataka(u) - war

SEN / ara(u) - wash

SEN / izumi - spring

SEN / moppa(ra) - exclusive

SEN / shi(meru) / urana(u) - occupy, divine

ZEN / matta(ku) - whole

ZEN / NEN - state, as like

SO / kumi / ku(mu) - organize, assemble

SO - ancestor

SOU / kusa - grass

SOU / SHOU / ai - phase, mutual

SOU - conceive, image

SOU / araso(u) - contend

SOU - total / general

SOU - stratum

SOU / SHOU / yosoo(u) - dress, fit out

SOU / mado - window

SOU / saga(su) - look for

SOU / ha(ku) - sweep

SOU / futa - set of two

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