JLPT Level 2 Kanji - Batch 24/30
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Here is batch 24 of the JLPT Level 2 kanji, in Japanese alphabetical order by On-reading. Feel free to copy and distribute it to your friends, as long as you tell them where you got it: https://kanjisite.tripod.com/ - thanks.

HAN / BAN / ita - board, plate

HAN / HON / TAN / so(ru) / so(rasu) - counter

HAN / oka(su) - offense

HAN / BAN - judge

HAN - print, publishing

HAN - sort

HAN - sell

BAN - order, watch

BAN - evening

HI / kawa - skin

HI / kana(shii) / kana(shimu) - sad

HI / tsui(yasu) / tsui(eru) - expense

HI / to(bu) / to(basu) - fly

HI / kura(beru) - compare

HI - not, not good

HI / ina - say no, or not

HI / kare - he, that

HI / tsuka(reru) / tsuka(rasu) - tired

HI / koumu(ru) - be subject to

BI / utsuku(shii) - beautiful

BI / hana - nose

BI / sona(eru) / sona(waru) - provide

HITSU / fude - brush, writing

HITSU / kanara(zu) - without fail

HITSU / hiki - comparable

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