JLPT Level 2 Kanji - Batch 3/30
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Here is the third of thirty batches of JLPT Level 2 kanji, in Japanese alphabetical order by On-reading. Feel free to copy and distribute it to your friends, as long as you tell them where you got it: https://kanjisite.tripod.com/ - thanks.

KA - possible, approve

KA / su(giru) / su(gosu) / ayama(tsu) / ayama(chi) - hear

KA / kawa - river

KA - confectionery

KA / kutsu - shoes

kai - shellfish

KAI / E - picture

KAI / mawa(ru) / mawa(su) - turn around, times

KAI - floor, rank, step

KAI - machine

KAI / arata(meru) / arata(maru) - reform

KAI / kokoroyo(i) - pleasant

KAI / GE / to(ku) / to(kasu) / to(keru) - dissolve, clarify

KAI / hai - ashes

KAI - mediate

KAI / mina - all

GAI - harm

KAKU / kado / tsuno - angle, horn

KAKU / onoono - each

KAKU / obo(eru) / sa(masu) / sa(meru) - perceive, feel

KAKU / tashi(ka) / tashi(kameru) - certain

KAKU - norm, status

KAKU / kawa - leather, reform

GAKU / hitai - amount, forehead

ka(keru) / ka(karu) / kakari - hang, catch, call

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