JLPT Level 2 Kanji - Batch 16/30
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Here is batch 16 of the JLPT Level 2 kanji, in Japanese alphabetical order by On-reading. Feel free to copy and distribute it to your friends, as long as you tell them where you got it: https://kanjisite.tripod.com/ - thanks.

SEI / shizu / shizu(ka) / shizu(maru) / shizu(meru) - quiet

SEI / SHOU / kaeri(miru) / habu(ku) - ministry, reflect

SEI / kiyo(i) / kiyo(maru) / kiyo(meru) - clear, pure

SEI / matsurigoto - politics, rule

SEI / SHOU - nature, sex

SEI - system, control

SEI / ikio(i) - power

SEI - refine, essence

SEI - manufacture

SEI / SHOU - surname

ZEI - tax

SEKI / ishi - stone

SEKI / mukashi - former times

SEKI / tsu(mu) / tsu(moru) - accumulate

SEKI - seat

SEKI / se(meru) - burden, blame

SEKI - achievements

SEKI - one of a pair

SEKI - register

SEKI / ato - trace

SETSU / yuki - snow

SETSU / to(ku) - explain

SETSU / o(ru) / o(ri) / o(reru) - break off, fold

SETSU / tsu(gu) - contact, touch

SETSU / mou - set up

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