JLPT Level 2 Kanji - Batch 27/30
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Here is batch 27 of the JLPT Level 2 kanji, in Japanese alphabetical order by On-reading. Feel free to copy and distribute it to your friends, as long as you tell them where you got it: https://kanjisite.tripod.com/ - thanks.

HOU / yuta(ka) - plentiful

HOU / muku(iru) - inform, requite

HOU / otozu(reru) / tazu(neru) - visit

HOU / takara - treasure

HOU / da(ku) / ida(ku) / kaka(eru) - hug

BOU / MOU / nozo(mu) - hope, look after

BOU / aba(ku) / aba(reru) - violent

BOU - trade

BOU / fuse(gu) - prevent

BOU - rod

BOU / wasu(reru) - forget

BOU / na(i) - decrease

BOU - headgear

BOU / isoga(shii) - busy

BOU - boy, priest

MA / miga(ku) - polish

MAI - counter for sheets

MAI / u(meru) / u(maru) / u(moreru) - bury

MATSU / BATSU / sue - last part

MAN / mi(chiru) / mi(tasu) - full

MI - not yet

MIN / tami - people

MIN / nemu(ru) / nemu(i) - sleep

MU / BU / na(i) - without, nothing

MU / yume - dream

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