JLPT Level 2 Kanji - Batch 23/30
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Here is batch 23 of the JLPT Level 2 kanji, in Japanese alphabetical order by On-reading. Feel free to copy and distribute it to your friends, as long as you tell them where you got it: https://kanjisite.tripod.com/ - thanks.

NEN / mo(eru) / mo(yasu) / mo(su) - burn

NOU - farming

NOU - ability

NOU - brain

NOU / ko(i) - thick

NOU / naya(mu) / naya(masu) - suffer

HA / nami - wave

HA / yabu(ru) / yabu(reru) - break

BA / uma - horse

HAI / kuba(ru) - distribute

HAI / yabu(reru) - be defeated

HAI / oga(mu) - worship, humbly

HAI / SE / SEI / somu(ku) / somu(keru) - back

HAI / sakazuki - cup

BAI - times, double

HAKU / to(maru) / to(meru) - stay overnight

HAKU / usu(i) / usu(meru) / usu(maru) / usu(ragu) / usu(reru) - thin

BAKU / mugi - wheat

BAKU - explode

hako - box

hata / hatake - field

hada - skin

HATSU / kami - hair

BATSU / nu(ku) / nu(keru) / nu(kasu) / nu(karu) - pull out, stand out

HAN / saka - slope

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