JLPT Level 2 Kanji - Batch 9/30
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Here is batch 9 of the JLPT Level 2 kanji, in Japanese alphabetical order by On-reading. Feel free to copy and distribute it to your friends, as long as you tell them where you got it: https://kanjisite.tripod.com/ - thanks. ATTENTION! I have recently noticed (and fixed) an error in the following kanji. The kanji for "yellow" was replicated in place of the kanji for "effect". Please accept my humble apologies. The miscreants are highlighted here and here with a couple of boxes.

KO / ka(reru), ka(rasu) - wither

KO / yato(u) - employ

GO / ayama(ru) - mistake

GO / taga(i) - reciprocal

KOU / OU / ki - yellow

KOU / hika(ru) / hikari - light

KOU / maji(waru) / maji(eru) / ma(jiru) / ma(zaru) / ma(zeru) / ka(u) / ka(wasu) - intercourse, cross

KOU / mu(ku) / mu(keru) / mu(kau) / mu(kou) - turn toward

KOU / saiwa(i) / sachi / shiawa(se) - good fortune, happy

KOU / minato - port

KOU - navigate

KOU / sourou - season, serve

KOU / kono(mu) / su(ku) - like, favourable

KOU / tagaya(su) - till

KOU - lecture

KOU / kama(eru) / kama(u) - construct, mind

KOU - ore, mine

KOU / ki(ku) - effect

KOU / atsu(i) - thick, kind

KOU / beni / kurenai - crimson

KOU / o(riru) / o(rosu) / fu(ru) - descend

KOU / ka / kao(ri) / kao(ru) - fragrance

KOU / sara / fu(keru) / fu(kasu) - renew

KOU - suburb

KOU / ara(i) / a(reru) / arasu - wild

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