JLPT Level 2 Kanji - Batch 22/30
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Here is batch 22 of the JLPT Level 2 kanji, in Japanese alphabetical order by On-reading. Feel free to copy and distribute it to your friends, as long as you tell them where you got it: https://kanjisite.tripod.com/ - thanks.

TOU - arrive

TOU / nusu(mu) - steal

TOU / tsutsu - tube

TOU / koo(ru) / kogo(eru) - freeze

TOU / ni(geru) / ni(gasu) / noga(su) / noga(reru) - escape

TOU / tao(eru) / tao(su) - topple

DOU / warabe - child

DOU / hatara(ku) - work

DOU - copper

DOU / michibi(ku) - guide

TOKU / e(ru) / u(ru) - acquire, gain

DOKU - poison

DOKU / hito(ri) - alone

TOTSU / tsu(ku) - dash, thrust

todo(keru) / todo(ku) - deliver, reach

DON / kumo(ru) - cloudy

DON / nibu(i) / nibu(ru) - dull

NAI / uchi - inside

NAN / kata(i) / muzuka(shii) - difficult, disaster

NAN / yawa(raka) / yawa(rakai) - soft

NYUU / chichi / chi - milk

NIN / maka(seru) / maka(su) - office, entrust

NIN / mito(meru) - recognise

NETSU / atsu(i) - heat, hot

NEN - thoughts

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