JLPT Level 2 Kanji - Batch 30/30
Here is batch 30 of the JLPT Level 2 kanji, in Japanese alphabetical order by On-reading. Feel free to copy and distribute it to your friends, as long as you tell them where you got it: https://kanjisite.tripod.com/ - thanks.

RYOU / haka(ru) - quantity

RYOU - territory

RYOU - finish, comprehend

RYOU - treat

RYOU / suzu(shii) / suzu(mu) - cool

RYOKU / midori - green

RIN / hayashi - woods, forest

RIN / wa - wheel, ring

RUI - kind

RUI / namida - tear

REI / RAI - etiquette, rite

REI - command

REI / dato(eru) - example

REI / tsume(tai) / hi(eru) / hi(ya) / hi(yasu) / hi(yakusu) / sa(meru) / sa(masu) - cold

REI - zero

REI - age

REI / modo(su) / modo(ru) - return

REKI - personal history

REKI - row

REN / ne(ru) - train

REN / tsura(naru) / tsura(neru) / tsu(reru) - link, in succession

REN / ko(u) / koi / koi(shii) - love

RO / ji - road

ROU - labour

ROU / o(iru) / o(keru) - old

ROKU - record

RON - argue, theory

WA / yawa(ragu) / yawa(rageru) / nago(mu) / nago(yaka) - peace, sum, Japan

WAN - bay

WAN / ude - arm

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